A dark movie about children based on a story by Stephen King and directed by competent but indistinct Rob Reiner. Re-watching it, I see all the same problems. The portraits of adult characters are especially risible. Still, it works as piece of nostalgia with equal servings of sweet and sour. Even works as NRA promotion with kids. Gun does save the day.
Finally watched it or tried to. I got through about 15 min while fast-forwarding and skipping. Absolutely terrible.
A fascinating Trankenstein(Tranny-Frankenstein) movie with amazing serpentine plot loops. Even more amazing is how the story makes us care for these 'characters' on the human level despite the utter perversity of the circumstances within which they are simultaneously trapped and free. To know more is to be freer, but in knowing more comes the realization that we can't escape our fate. It's like the sense one gets when rising up in the air. A sense of liberation but also the realization of the world as a structured maze.
Works on several levels. Cinderella story of inner-city black youths from troubled families striving to prove themselves. Sobering tale of the pursuit of athletic stardom as akin to lottery. Social document of a depressed black community and its ambiguous relation to whites who, despite their separateness, cscout for black prowess in athletics. Mostly balanced with no obvious heroes or villains, but we can't help notice a kind of Unintended Injustice borne of mass delusion and profiteering. Blacks, old and young, childishly look to sports stardom as core culture, and white agents & coaches scramble to recruit blacks as cash prize. Also, there is the paradox of race relations in the US, i.e. why and how whites are both repulsed and attracted to black athletic superiority. On the one hand, black muscularity can intimidate or attack weaker whites, leading to white flight. But universal sports-obsession as the main expression of globo-Americanism means even whites in fear of black muscle will seek out black 'heroes' to represent their institutions.
Michael Moore connects a lot of dots but also makes a lot of cheap shots. And those in the Dissident Right community know all too well that Moore, like the Neocons he despises, refused to discuss the JQ as the key to why the Iraq War happened.
Sci-fi with a fascinating premise and above-average intelligence treatment, which isn't saying much. There are some fine moments, but Christo-Nazi-as-evil-incarnate is a Jewish dirty trick, and the movie is even more insufferable as propaganda for the Clinton Cult. A story about the search for truth should never get too close to politicians.
A stupid ridiculous movie, but it always makes me laugh. I especially love the airport scene where the pair pretend to be Czech sisters looking for papa.
Mostly Jewish BS. Yes, wealth and narcissism are out of control, but the REAL danger is not conspicuous consumption but the tribal nature of our current elites. After all, powerful elites who spend frugally can be just as dangerous as the ones who splurge on gold necklaces and yachts. Mere piggery didn't lead to Iraq War, destruction of Syria, and new 'cold war' with Russia. But, the Jewess who made this movie mostly focuses on a handful of grotesque goyim and keep featuring Donald Trump as a special embodiment of ugly capitalism. Yes, Trump is a crass boor of a sick culture spiraling into the abyss, but if he is such an exemplar of globalist greed and power, why do the elites hate him so? Isn't it because he addressed certain populist concerns during the campaign? But don't expect the hideous Jewess who made this movie to ask such questions.
Seeing it again, yes, it's bold and brilliant. But also ugly and demented. Some say this is a fascist work, but I just see anarcho-maschismo. I admire the film-making but loathe the film.
A fun movie about how a Latin bimbo's life became enmeshed with the ups and downs of one of the most notorious globo-gangsters of the 20th century. The plotting is by the book, and the performances, though good all around, seem rather routine.
Though surely not intended as such, it could serve as an allegory of what really rules the world, America included: Gangterism. After all, even though the world-wide Deep State brought Escobar down, it employs gangsterism of its own to bring entire nations down and economically loot others. At this point, who can deny that that the US is essentially the Prize Bull of the Jewish Mafia, a bunch of outlaws with all the lawyers?
The movie that inspired VANILLA SKY is immeasurably superior. It makes us wonder if the primary purpose of eyes is to look at faces. Eyes are to the face what the penis is to the vagina, the difference being both male and female have the penetrating gaze that would rather remain on the surface.
Less good than LOVING PABLO but an entertaining movie about famed mafia boss John Gotti, the Teflon Don. Travolta isn't very convincing as a cruel heartless bastard but does a creditable enough job. Fun but forgettable. One depressing realization from watching the latest slew of gangster movies is how much the culture has become accustomed to criminality as the New Normal. Gone is the element of shock and outrage that such figures could get away with so much repugnance in a society that takes pride in the rule of law. I suppose TV shows like SOPRANOS and BREAKING BAD helped some. Week in and week out, watching sicko crooks as America's Family.
Follow-up to BARAKA. Pictorialism at its best, but as a collection of the most beautiful or striking images, pictorialism invariably fails to convey a deeper sense of truth.
I'll have to see this again. It left no trace or impression on me memory. I think it was an arty horror like what Shyamalan did with THE VILLAGE, which I liked.
Comparable in style and result to Barry Levinson's other biopic, PATERNO. Good work all around but no surprises. As it dwells mainly on Madoff's family problems, it ends up rather humanizing him.
Maybe one day I'll see the whole thing. Watched about first 30 min and the last 15 min. Miserable work, maybe Lynch's worst other than the dreadful DUNE.
Corey Haim teenager movie that came out around the time of STAND BY ME. I recall Roger Ebert gushed about it to Gene Siskel's amusement. It has a blend of sweetness and sourness(also found in STAND BY ME), but ultimately, its main character is less eccentric than irritating. We are supposed to feel sorry for him, but I didn't care.
A mostly straightforward documentary about a most interesting case of triplets (re)discovering each other and pondering the 'dark' forces that separated them in the first place. (Maybe ANNA TO THE INFINITE POWER is less sci-fi than we think.) It could have been a great work in the hands of someone with greater curiosity and philosophical query. If the story is relevant to us(most of whom are not twins or triplets), it's the sense that the reality that we take for granted is merely the tip of the iceberg. And our freedom is that of mice in a maze.
Monday, December 10, 2018
Recently Watched Movies
Fight Club,
Generation Wealth,
Hoop Dreams,
Loving Pablo,
Open Your Eyes,
Three Identical Strangers,
Wild at Heart
Saturday, October 13, 2018
Recently Watched Movies
American Animals
Joyride as cautionary tale, one that actually works. A creative mind and hipster dude recruit two other guys from the middle class milieu to pull off a ridiculous heist involving rare library books. The crime itself is of less interest than complications around it and its aftermath dropping clues as to a culture infected with both excessive apathy and adventurism. Great film. A
Stylistically impressive horror that (all-too)consciously approximates the spellbinding hypnotics of Stanley Kubrick's THE SHINING. Ari Aster(the director) is halfway there as a visualist but lacks the focus of a mature artist who might have pulled the various threads together into a seamless whole. Too often, Ari Aster drops all considerations for the Effect. Still, there are several genuinely jarring moments, and the ultimate point of the story, that all our hysterics and obsessions about the world miss out on the real point of an hidden agenda, is well taken in our Age of Conspiracies. B+
Dark River
This is one of those all-too-common Art Films. Granted, it is good. Like many of its kind, there is the self-conscious reliance on less dialogue and more image. Much is suggested through mood & motions and use of space & details. Like many Art Films, it is set in a rural community in the modern world, accentuating the theme of how much the world has changed but so much remains the same. As the story unfolds, there are the usual uncomfortable truths about characters. Things are not what they seem. All very good but we've seen it all before, and frankly, I was bored through much of it. B
All That Jazz
A most extraordinary cinematic experience upon my first viewing as a child, Bob Fosse's semi-autobiographical musical now belongs in the category of less-than-meets-the-eye. In subsequent viewings(aided with more knowledge of world cinema), Fosse essentially came across as a derivative showman(than an original 'auteur') who, worse, didn't even care to steal from the best. Much of ALL THAT JAZZ owes to Fellini-in-decline(post 8 1/2). Now, it looks more like All That Spazz. Jessica Lange(as angel of death?) has to deal with an ego bigger than King Kong. Musical numbers are like schmaltzy cross between Broadway and Disco. By the way, do we want high-concept Art associated with something as cheesy as Broadway? Fosse's reputation as dance choreographer rests mainly on mannerisms with flickering jazz-hands and rotating hamhock thighs and jiggling jello buns. Maybe that was original at one time, but it's not my cup of tea. Still, there's lots of heart in this movie, and it's sure to please many first-time viewers. B
Something Wild
One of those films I feel the same now as on first viewing. This is a masterpiece, Jonathan Demme's greatest work(based on the brilliant screenplay of E. Max Frye). Sadly, it was his last triumph as an artist. Sure, he made big bucks and won lots of prizes with SILENCE OF THE LAMBS, a sleazy piece of sensationalism, and became a darling of the Libby-Dib set with PHILADELPHIA. But before he became an A-list director of Big Bucks and Big Themes, he was one of the most quirkiest directors who, however, didn't wear his oddball sensibility on his sleeve. His approach was both gentle and penetrating, empathetic and cautionary. His vision was of small characters navigating through obstacles of power(institutional or criminal), albeit one bridged by false but happy(and perhaps necessary) fantasies expressed through pop culture ranging from mainstream to alternative. Ultimately, it's not about replacing lies with truth but accepting the truth that lies are all around us like germs and, with that realization, making the best of things. A+
Sollers Point
A bogus 'art film' about the hard-knocks world of 'white trash' side of Baltimore directed by some cuck-faced dork. The white lead(who looks like Andrew Anglin) is apparently not so bad because he used to have a black girl-friend and still has feelings for her. And he seems to be 'cool' with the Brothas or, at least, tries to be. Meanwhile, all the nasties are 'white trash' hoodlums who act like Gary Oldman in TRUE ROMANCE. Ironically, the 'white trash' hoodlums do little else than imitate rap culture and act like 'whiggers'. So, are we to believe blacks are cool but whites who imitate blacks are 'fool'? Technically, reasonably well-made and well-acted. But bogus. C
I watched the first 15 min of this movie and grew bored. So, I checked the last 15 min, and it was stupid.
Last Rampage
There are two ways to approach this movie. As a message to white boys and white women not to slavishly obey and follow the Tough White Male. Based on an actual story, LAST RAMPAGE is about three loyal and adoring sons who break their sociopathic father out of prison. Though not evil themselves, their admiration of their Tough Hombre Pa has blinded them to his wicked ways. (Still, despite the man's plain-as-day wretchedness, one can understand why others look to him as a leader of men.) Another way to regard this movie is as an allegory of the dark side of Old Testament teachings where sons are supposed to obey their fathers just like the Tribe must heed the commands of God(as spoken through the Prophets) without question. I'm not sure the allegory works because the father in the movie is clearly a crazy monster, whereas patriarchs in the Old Testament were sometimes confronted with the hard choice of necessary evil. B
Joyride as cautionary tale, one that actually works. A creative mind and hipster dude recruit two other guys from the middle class milieu to pull off a ridiculous heist involving rare library books. The crime itself is of less interest than complications around it and its aftermath dropping clues as to a culture infected with both excessive apathy and adventurism. Great film. A
Stylistically impressive horror that (all-too)consciously approximates the spellbinding hypnotics of Stanley Kubrick's THE SHINING. Ari Aster(the director) is halfway there as a visualist but lacks the focus of a mature artist who might have pulled the various threads together into a seamless whole. Too often, Ari Aster drops all considerations for the Effect. Still, there are several genuinely jarring moments, and the ultimate point of the story, that all our hysterics and obsessions about the world miss out on the real point of an hidden agenda, is well taken in our Age of Conspiracies. B+
Dark River
This is one of those all-too-common Art Films. Granted, it is good. Like many of its kind, there is the self-conscious reliance on less dialogue and more image. Much is suggested through mood & motions and use of space & details. Like many Art Films, it is set in a rural community in the modern world, accentuating the theme of how much the world has changed but so much remains the same. As the story unfolds, there are the usual uncomfortable truths about characters. Things are not what they seem. All very good but we've seen it all before, and frankly, I was bored through much of it. B
All That Jazz
A most extraordinary cinematic experience upon my first viewing as a child, Bob Fosse's semi-autobiographical musical now belongs in the category of less-than-meets-the-eye. In subsequent viewings(aided with more knowledge of world cinema), Fosse essentially came across as a derivative showman(than an original 'auteur') who, worse, didn't even care to steal from the best. Much of ALL THAT JAZZ owes to Fellini-in-decline(post 8 1/2). Now, it looks more like All That Spazz. Jessica Lange(as angel of death?) has to deal with an ego bigger than King Kong. Musical numbers are like schmaltzy cross between Broadway and Disco. By the way, do we want high-concept Art associated with something as cheesy as Broadway? Fosse's reputation as dance choreographer rests mainly on mannerisms with flickering jazz-hands and rotating hamhock thighs and jiggling jello buns. Maybe that was original at one time, but it's not my cup of tea. Still, there's lots of heart in this movie, and it's sure to please many first-time viewers. B
Something Wild
One of those films I feel the same now as on first viewing. This is a masterpiece, Jonathan Demme's greatest work(based on the brilliant screenplay of E. Max Frye). Sadly, it was his last triumph as an artist. Sure, he made big bucks and won lots of prizes with SILENCE OF THE LAMBS, a sleazy piece of sensationalism, and became a darling of the Libby-Dib set with PHILADELPHIA. But before he became an A-list director of Big Bucks and Big Themes, he was one of the most quirkiest directors who, however, didn't wear his oddball sensibility on his sleeve. His approach was both gentle and penetrating, empathetic and cautionary. His vision was of small characters navigating through obstacles of power(institutional or criminal), albeit one bridged by false but happy(and perhaps necessary) fantasies expressed through pop culture ranging from mainstream to alternative. Ultimately, it's not about replacing lies with truth but accepting the truth that lies are all around us like germs and, with that realization, making the best of things. A+
Sollers Point
A bogus 'art film' about the hard-knocks world of 'white trash' side of Baltimore directed by some cuck-faced dork. The white lead(who looks like Andrew Anglin) is apparently not so bad because he used to have a black girl-friend and still has feelings for her. And he seems to be 'cool' with the Brothas or, at least, tries to be. Meanwhile, all the nasties are 'white trash' hoodlums who act like Gary Oldman in TRUE ROMANCE. Ironically, the 'white trash' hoodlums do little else than imitate rap culture and act like 'whiggers'. So, are we to believe blacks are cool but whites who imitate blacks are 'fool'? Technically, reasonably well-made and well-acted. But bogus. C
I watched the first 15 min of this movie and grew bored. So, I checked the last 15 min, and it was stupid.
Last Rampage
There are two ways to approach this movie. As a message to white boys and white women not to slavishly obey and follow the Tough White Male. Based on an actual story, LAST RAMPAGE is about three loyal and adoring sons who break their sociopathic father out of prison. Though not evil themselves, their admiration of their Tough Hombre Pa has blinded them to his wicked ways. (Still, despite the man's plain-as-day wretchedness, one can understand why others look to him as a leader of men.) Another way to regard this movie is as an allegory of the dark side of Old Testament teachings where sons are supposed to obey their fathers just like the Tribe must heed the commands of God(as spoken through the Prophets) without question. I'm not sure the allegory works because the father in the movie is clearly a crazy monster, whereas patriarchs in the Old Testament were sometimes confronted with the hard choice of necessary evil. B
All That Jazz,
American Animals,
Dark River,
Last Rampage,
Sollers Point,
Something Wild,
Sunday, July 22, 2018
Recently Watched Movies
Trashy, imbecile, and gratuitously violent, yes. But I must say the RESIDENT EVIL series is one of the most mindlessly entertaining series in a long time. Milla Jovovich was born for this role. C-
Feels fresh every time. The main character is despicable but pitiable, but is he worthy of our pity? Is his pathology a moral failing, a symptom of the culture, or a mental issue? If all of the above, in which combination? Far from a great movie, it nevertheless delivers what it sets out to deliver. As with GLENGARRY GLEN ROSS, the directorial personality is subdued in service to script and characters. A clear case that Auteur Theory is sometimes irrelevant in the making of a good movie. B+
A well-made movie about insipid trashy girls with moronic parents who wreck everything around them for infantile thrills. BLING RING depicted similar kind of soulless personalities, but if Sofia Coppola never pretended her little monsters had souls, FLOWER does. And it is so unconvincing. This is utter trash. D+
Seen it again. Along with Darren Aronofsky's MOTHER!, a masterpiece that proves cinema is alive. The fact that this film got mixed reviews while stuff like BLACK PANTHER and LAST JEDI got near raves shows the utter decrepitude of our cultural scene. One of the most unsettling films about the nature of evil and the dark mystery of seduction amidst tragedy. A
Another worthless trash like FLOWER though not as scatter-brained. As with FLOWER, it tries to rationalize hedonism and nihilism with pseudo-moralism. In FLOWER, the girls' hi-jinks are supposed to somewhat 'rad' because they prey on weak men given to sexual perversion. The torture porn element of JOSIE is supposed to be morally justified on grounds of its anti-death-penalty message. Selling nihilism with a veneer of moral outrage is all too common in our culture where rappers are promoted as prophets and comedians pose as newsmen. As dishonest as HARD CANDY. Films such as these haven't the courage of BLACKCOAT'S DAUGHTER that admits to the seductive pull of evil and nihilism. D+
Never gets old even though it's an old-fashioned tale. Perhaps, old-fashioned is synonymous with timeless, the tried and true. The 1980s was the decade of John Hughes cartoonish teen comedies and the Horny Teenager movies. 1990 began with this gem and instant classic, Whit Stillman's first film, a smart tale of young socialites searching for love and meaning. Stillman is no puritan but finds principles invaluable in a world of rising puerility. The lead character Tom Townsend is introduced as a soft-spoken radical who finds the socialite setting silly and frivolous but is later seen snubbing the aristocrat Von Sloneker for dismissing the televised socialite ball as not serious. In the end, a socialist turns chivalrous while the aristocrat is shown wallowing in frat-boy antics. Not that Tom suddenly came around to appreciating elitism, but his critique of the upper class was at least grounded in principles, and principles govern his behavior regardless of his shifting views. In contrast, Von Sleneker's dismissal of the socialite scene owes to his being even less serious than what he sneers at. It's as if one's character counts more than class or ideology. Socialist or Socialite, Townsend has a sense of scruples and honor, even though his righteousness sometimes blinds him to his unintended insensitivity to others. The difference is those with scruples at least make an effort to make amends and rise higher, whereas Von Slonekers of the world think the world revolves around them. A
Franklin Schaffner made two movies that became highly significant cultural events of the late 60s and early 70s: PLANET OF THE APES and PATTON. Perhaps, Schaffner never got the credit of someone like David Lean or Luchino Visconti because he was deemed an 'impersonal' professional than an auteur with personal vision. One could argue PLANET OF THE APES is essentially the work of the novelist Pierre Boulle and Rod Serling & Michael Wilson as screen-writers. And Schaffner's role in PATTON was regarded much like Victor Fleming's for THE WIZARD OF OZ and GONE WITH THE WIND: Hired Hand who ably carried out the vision of others. For some reason, NICHOLAS AND ALEXANDRA failed at the box office and got mixed reviews from critics. This is unfortunate because it is one of the best and most thoughtful middlebrow historical epics. By accident, PLANET OF THE APES, PATTON, and NICHOLAS AND ALEXANDRA became relevant to the Nixon years. The issues of race, class, war, power, and radicalism were colorfully brought to life in them. PATTON was Nixon's favorite movie, and his the fall of the Tsar in NICHOLAS AND ALEXANDRA anticipated the Watergate troubles that would undo Nixon's presidency. Of course, Nicholas and Nixon couldn't have been more different. Nicholas was a good man of middling intelligence who inherited the management of a vast empire in the most trying of times, whereas Nixon was a man of intelligence and knowledge who turned out to be his own Rasputin. Nicholas' political ills were like his son's condition. Once the regime began bleeding, it was difficult to patch the wound. This being the 100th anniversary of the killing of the Tsar and his family by Bolsheviks, this is worth a look. It's also relevant in our time of intense 'Russophobia' generated by nutty Jews. A-
If ever there was an instant classic, this is it. Must watch every summer. A
Based on his first two JEEPER CREEPER movies, Victor Salva seems like some cuck-fruiter perv. He's a promoter of interracism and was once convicted of pervy-pedo stuff. And his horror trilogy's villain may strike many viewers as essentially Freddy Kruger with wings. Whatever the case, there's no denying Salva is inventive, ingenious, and insanely gifted with an eye as sharp as that of Spielberg, Fincher, and Kevin Reynolds. He's like mondo-trasho Orson Welles, a wizard with shifting frames and composition. And some of his images are mind-blowing. And even though JEEPERS is pretty crude and trashy(like RESIDENT EVIL), there is something genuinely dark and demented about Salva's universe of terror. Unlike Sam Raimi who did EVIL DEAD series for kiddie laughter, the JEEPER series seems the result of someone doing battle with his inner demons. It's a pop-psychological glimpse into the soul of genuine nutjob. Perhaps, JEEPER CREEPER series is most comparable to the ridiculous PHANTASM series, but Salva actually knows how to make a movie. B-
I didn't much care for this movie upon release, but watching it again a few times recently I was struck by its romanticism despite the sordid situation its main character Joel(Tom Cruise) descends into. "What the fuc*" is an expression of cynicism but also of freedom, the opportunity to dream. And the twist on the 'hooker with the heart of gold' is convincing given Joel's blend of sheltered privilege, youthful naivete, animal lust, and hope for the future. Tangerine Dream's narcotic score makes it even more dream-like. A
Francois Ozon is an estimable director, and DOUBLE LOVER runs like a slick well-oiled machine from start to finish. But it all seems an empty exercise in style. The characters might as well be robots or mannequins. The plot twists that combine Hitchcock with Cronenberg come across as so many tired allusions or homages. Intelligence and ability in service of a blueprint than a script. B-
Trashy, imbecile, and gratuitously violent, yes. But I must say the RESIDENT EVIL series is one of the most mindlessly entertaining series in a long time. Milla Jovovich was born for this role. C-
Feels fresh every time. The main character is despicable but pitiable, but is he worthy of our pity? Is his pathology a moral failing, a symptom of the culture, or a mental issue? If all of the above, in which combination? Far from a great movie, it nevertheless delivers what it sets out to deliver. As with GLENGARRY GLEN ROSS, the directorial personality is subdued in service to script and characters. A clear case that Auteur Theory is sometimes irrelevant in the making of a good movie. B+
A well-made movie about insipid trashy girls with moronic parents who wreck everything around them for infantile thrills. BLING RING depicted similar kind of soulless personalities, but if Sofia Coppola never pretended her little monsters had souls, FLOWER does. And it is so unconvincing. This is utter trash. D+
Seen it again. Along with Darren Aronofsky's MOTHER!, a masterpiece that proves cinema is alive. The fact that this film got mixed reviews while stuff like BLACK PANTHER and LAST JEDI got near raves shows the utter decrepitude of our cultural scene. One of the most unsettling films about the nature of evil and the dark mystery of seduction amidst tragedy. A
Another worthless trash like FLOWER though not as scatter-brained. As with FLOWER, it tries to rationalize hedonism and nihilism with pseudo-moralism. In FLOWER, the girls' hi-jinks are supposed to somewhat 'rad' because they prey on weak men given to sexual perversion. The torture porn element of JOSIE is supposed to be morally justified on grounds of its anti-death-penalty message. Selling nihilism with a veneer of moral outrage is all too common in our culture where rappers are promoted as prophets and comedians pose as newsmen. As dishonest as HARD CANDY. Films such as these haven't the courage of BLACKCOAT'S DAUGHTER that admits to the seductive pull of evil and nihilism. D+
Never gets old even though it's an old-fashioned tale. Perhaps, old-fashioned is synonymous with timeless, the tried and true. The 1980s was the decade of John Hughes cartoonish teen comedies and the Horny Teenager movies. 1990 began with this gem and instant classic, Whit Stillman's first film, a smart tale of young socialites searching for love and meaning. Stillman is no puritan but finds principles invaluable in a world of rising puerility. The lead character Tom Townsend is introduced as a soft-spoken radical who finds the socialite setting silly and frivolous but is later seen snubbing the aristocrat Von Sloneker for dismissing the televised socialite ball as not serious. In the end, a socialist turns chivalrous while the aristocrat is shown wallowing in frat-boy antics. Not that Tom suddenly came around to appreciating elitism, but his critique of the upper class was at least grounded in principles, and principles govern his behavior regardless of his shifting views. In contrast, Von Sleneker's dismissal of the socialite scene owes to his being even less serious than what he sneers at. It's as if one's character counts more than class or ideology. Socialist or Socialite, Townsend has a sense of scruples and honor, even though his righteousness sometimes blinds him to his unintended insensitivity to others. The difference is those with scruples at least make an effort to make amends and rise higher, whereas Von Slonekers of the world think the world revolves around them. A
Franklin Schaffner made two movies that became highly significant cultural events of the late 60s and early 70s: PLANET OF THE APES and PATTON. Perhaps, Schaffner never got the credit of someone like David Lean or Luchino Visconti because he was deemed an 'impersonal' professional than an auteur with personal vision. One could argue PLANET OF THE APES is essentially the work of the novelist Pierre Boulle and Rod Serling & Michael Wilson as screen-writers. And Schaffner's role in PATTON was regarded much like Victor Fleming's for THE WIZARD OF OZ and GONE WITH THE WIND: Hired Hand who ably carried out the vision of others. For some reason, NICHOLAS AND ALEXANDRA failed at the box office and got mixed reviews from critics. This is unfortunate because it is one of the best and most thoughtful middlebrow historical epics. By accident, PLANET OF THE APES, PATTON, and NICHOLAS AND ALEXANDRA became relevant to the Nixon years. The issues of race, class, war, power, and radicalism were colorfully brought to life in them. PATTON was Nixon's favorite movie, and his the fall of the Tsar in NICHOLAS AND ALEXANDRA anticipated the Watergate troubles that would undo Nixon's presidency. Of course, Nicholas and Nixon couldn't have been more different. Nicholas was a good man of middling intelligence who inherited the management of a vast empire in the most trying of times, whereas Nixon was a man of intelligence and knowledge who turned out to be his own Rasputin. Nicholas' political ills were like his son's condition. Once the regime began bleeding, it was difficult to patch the wound. This being the 100th anniversary of the killing of the Tsar and his family by Bolsheviks, this is worth a look. It's also relevant in our time of intense 'Russophobia' generated by nutty Jews. A-
If ever there was an instant classic, this is it. Must watch every summer. A
Based on his first two JEEPER CREEPER movies, Victor Salva seems like some cuck-fruiter perv. He's a promoter of interracism and was once convicted of pervy-pedo stuff. And his horror trilogy's villain may strike many viewers as essentially Freddy Kruger with wings. Whatever the case, there's no denying Salva is inventive, ingenious, and insanely gifted with an eye as sharp as that of Spielberg, Fincher, and Kevin Reynolds. He's like mondo-trasho Orson Welles, a wizard with shifting frames and composition. And some of his images are mind-blowing. And even though JEEPERS is pretty crude and trashy(like RESIDENT EVIL), there is something genuinely dark and demented about Salva's universe of terror. Unlike Sam Raimi who did EVIL DEAD series for kiddie laughter, the JEEPER series seems the result of someone doing battle with his inner demons. It's a pop-psychological glimpse into the soul of genuine nutjob. Perhaps, JEEPER CREEPER series is most comparable to the ridiculous PHANTASM series, but Salva actually knows how to make a movie. B-
I didn't much care for this movie upon release, but watching it again a few times recently I was struck by its romanticism despite the sordid situation its main character Joel(Tom Cruise) descends into. "What the fuc*" is an expression of cynicism but also of freedom, the opportunity to dream. And the twist on the 'hooker with the heart of gold' is convincing given Joel's blend of sheltered privilege, youthful naivete, animal lust, and hope for the future. Tangerine Dream's narcotic score makes it even more dream-like. A
Francois Ozon is an estimable director, and DOUBLE LOVER runs like a slick well-oiled machine from start to finish. But it all seems an empty exercise in style. The characters might as well be robots or mannequins. The plot twists that combine Hitchcock with Cronenberg come across as so many tired allusions or homages. Intelligence and ability in service of a blueprint than a script. B-
Double Lover,
Francois Ozon,
Kings of Summer,
Nicholas and Alexandra,
Risky Business,
Shattered Class,
Tom Cruise,
Whit Stillman
Saturday, July 7, 2018
12 Great Opening Scenes in Cinema
8 1/2
8 1/2
Thursday, July 5, 2018
Recently Watched Movies
THUNDERBOLT AND LIGHTFOOT. First watched this on TV in the mid 1980s. Michael Cimino's crime caper movie, released two years before the Bi-centennial, is a cynical action-portrait of human nature and American history. It begins with a church and ends with a one-room school house. It involves friends and war veterans. America, the land of God, Knowledge and Brotherhood of Man, is really about money(and anyway you can get it). And as the story traverses through natural wonders of Montana, there is the reminder that the land was stolen from Indians. Rating: A-
RAN. Watched this upon release in 1985. Seen it several times since. It's like a beautiful bridge with a collapsed arch. The Lear-figure who has to shoulder the tragic weight simply recedes as character and remains as prop, resulting in an haphazard narrative of impressive but disjointed wonders.Ultimately, the greatest tragedy of RAN is it fails as tragedy. But as drama of power politics, betrayal, and revenge, it is a stunning achievement. Rating: A
DAZED AND CONFUSED. Richard Linklater's surprising masterpiece never gets old. How such a loose story of kids taking it easy was made with such impeccable(and imperceptible) expertise and precision is truly amazing. An obvious labor of love made to seem effortless. It's like slacker on a tightrope. It has the directness of cinema-verite and the fine-tuning of a Swiss watch. Rating: A+
CLOVERFIELD. Recently revisited this movie. Proof that even the most ludicrous premise can be made to work with the right blend of ingenuity and heart. The idea of a space monster smashing NY is far-fetched, so how does the movie grab hold of our senses to accept the fantastic as 'factual'? It begins with a perfect rendition of Home Movie where all the people and places are recognizable and familiar. Then, through traumatized glimpses of the horror that erupts into the lives of the well-situated characters, the audience is left with little room to process what is going on. Events become so outrageous and unpredictable that the Fear Factor takes over. We only think SURVIVAL. But then, just when the characters(and the audience) have been rendered most primal in their instinct for self-preservation, the story strikes a romantic chord as the male character ventures off to rescue a damsel-in-distress and is, touchingly enough, joined by friends who decide to risk their own lives in the spirit of camaraderie. So, the most brutal kind of action-horror takes on an element of sentimentality and fairy-tale. And it works because the characters have been rendered as 'real' and believable in the opening scenes prior to the horror. Also, the all too human theme of love-and-friendship maintains an air of veracity amidst the mounting craziness of a city being rudely rearranged by what looks like a Godzilla-sized alligator-snapping turtle without a shell. There is even poignancy in the subtle reminder of fragility of the 'real'. Just as NY is being turned into smithereens by the monster from nowhere, the old video footage(of happier times) is being erased by new footage(of the mayhem). If so much of our current 'reality' is electronic and manipulated, imagine all the 'realities' that are being made and unmade on a daily basis by countless individuals who create new worlds and wipe them clean by toying with a few buttons. Are we god-monsters too? Certain horror purists may argue that CLOVERFIELD works on surprise than on suspense, which requires more sophistication. But the conception and execution of CLOVERFIELD are pretty amazing and incredibly inventive, even if of a shallower nature. Rating: A-
HIDDEN FORTRESS. This Kurosawa action-epic looks better than ever. It features a samurai order of sacrifice and obedience. Regal and majestic but also repressive and cold-blooded. Then, there is the hot-blooded world of commoners. Spontaneous and lively but coarse, crude, and treacherous. As the remnants of a fallen clan must trek through forests and villages disguised as ordinary people, the haughty princess comes to see what is most beautiful and ugly about humanity. And the two commoners, via their accidental role in aiding the princess to safety, comes to realize a value higher than petty greed. It was never one of my Kurosawa favorites, but seeing it on Blu-Ray, I recognize its greatness. Rating: A
PAUL, APOSTLE OF CHRIST. Watched about 20 min of this and had enough. One of those movies that beat you over the head with sermonizing. There are two kinds of religious films. Ones that get close to the source(before Christianity became a sure thing) and ruminate on the sheer difficulty of bringing forth a new faith. And ones that take for granted that Christ and Apostles were so holy and correct. Even though the latter may show lots of pain and suffering, there's a smug and lazy sense of righteousness and whose side God is on. It may work as theology but not as drama. THE LAST TEMPTATION OF CHRIST, for all its faults, presents a Jesus who is troubled and uncertain as to his mission, purpose, and strength. From that arises a real sense of struggle that must be overcome dramatically. We are with a man in a world before he was canonized by officialdom. NOAH by Aronofsky is similarly provocative. In contrast, most religious films are merely self-satisfied in their retroactive renditions of a time when everything supposedly happened as it was deigned by God. There was no struggle toward holiness. Jesus and the Apostles were all holy and only needed to wait it out(and suffer a bit) before humanity came around to seeing their holiness. Rating: C-
GHOST WORLD. I never get tired of this film. An instant classic. Enid is one of my favorite characters. It tell us there's a lot of caricatures in humanity and a lot of humanity in caricatures. Rating: A+
RED SPARROW. Watched about 15 min of this and fast-forwarded the rest. Worse than honest trash. It's pompous trash. Rating: D
THE RIGHT STUFF. Based on the book by the late Tom Wolfe and directed by Philip Kaufman who, until then, was perhaps most famous for his version of INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS, a movie that also informed parts of THE WANDERERS, his best work. There is something Body-Snatcherish about THE RIGHT STUFF as well. America(and the world) is turning into the World of Organization Man. Soviets shoot rockets into space to hail the triumph of socialism and statism. US ramps up the space race, and the days of the cowboy test-pilots and individualists are over. It's the world of engineers and professionals. Against this, the Magnificent Seven do their best to retain the spirit that is human, heroic, and American. They refuse to be test-monkeys in space. They insist on being pilots. Is it a delusion? Maybe it's a dream. Excellent movie. But like Sidney Lumet's PRINCE OF THE CITY, a failure at the box office. Both films would be the last great work by the two directors. Rating: A
THE BLACKCOAT'S DAUGHTER. Is his film evil? Yes or no, it is a hauntingly beautiful and terrifying story of how a soul can fall deeply in love with evil. A masterpiece directed by the son of Anthony Perkins. Rating: A
RAN. Watched this upon release in 1985. Seen it several times since. It's like a beautiful bridge with a collapsed arch. The Lear-figure who has to shoulder the tragic weight simply recedes as character and remains as prop, resulting in an haphazard narrative of impressive but disjointed wonders.Ultimately, the greatest tragedy of RAN is it fails as tragedy. But as drama of power politics, betrayal, and revenge, it is a stunning achievement. Rating: A
DAZED AND CONFUSED. Richard Linklater's surprising masterpiece never gets old. How such a loose story of kids taking it easy was made with such impeccable(and imperceptible) expertise and precision is truly amazing. An obvious labor of love made to seem effortless. It's like slacker on a tightrope. It has the directness of cinema-verite and the fine-tuning of a Swiss watch. Rating: A+
CLOVERFIELD. Recently revisited this movie. Proof that even the most ludicrous premise can be made to work with the right blend of ingenuity and heart. The idea of a space monster smashing NY is far-fetched, so how does the movie grab hold of our senses to accept the fantastic as 'factual'? It begins with a perfect rendition of Home Movie where all the people and places are recognizable and familiar. Then, through traumatized glimpses of the horror that erupts into the lives of the well-situated characters, the audience is left with little room to process what is going on. Events become so outrageous and unpredictable that the Fear Factor takes over. We only think SURVIVAL. But then, just when the characters(and the audience) have been rendered most primal in their instinct for self-preservation, the story strikes a romantic chord as the male character ventures off to rescue a damsel-in-distress and is, touchingly enough, joined by friends who decide to risk their own lives in the spirit of camaraderie. So, the most brutal kind of action-horror takes on an element of sentimentality and fairy-tale. And it works because the characters have been rendered as 'real' and believable in the opening scenes prior to the horror. Also, the all too human theme of love-and-friendship maintains an air of veracity amidst the mounting craziness of a city being rudely rearranged by what looks like a Godzilla-sized alligator-snapping turtle without a shell. There is even poignancy in the subtle reminder of fragility of the 'real'. Just as NY is being turned into smithereens by the monster from nowhere, the old video footage(of happier times) is being erased by new footage(of the mayhem). If so much of our current 'reality' is electronic and manipulated, imagine all the 'realities' that are being made and unmade on a daily basis by countless individuals who create new worlds and wipe them clean by toying with a few buttons. Are we god-monsters too? Certain horror purists may argue that CLOVERFIELD works on surprise than on suspense, which requires more sophistication. But the conception and execution of CLOVERFIELD are pretty amazing and incredibly inventive, even if of a shallower nature. Rating: A-
HIDDEN FORTRESS. This Kurosawa action-epic looks better than ever. It features a samurai order of sacrifice and obedience. Regal and majestic but also repressive and cold-blooded. Then, there is the hot-blooded world of commoners. Spontaneous and lively but coarse, crude, and treacherous. As the remnants of a fallen clan must trek through forests and villages disguised as ordinary people, the haughty princess comes to see what is most beautiful and ugly about humanity. And the two commoners, via their accidental role in aiding the princess to safety, comes to realize a value higher than petty greed. It was never one of my Kurosawa favorites, but seeing it on Blu-Ray, I recognize its greatness. Rating: A
PAUL, APOSTLE OF CHRIST. Watched about 20 min of this and had enough. One of those movies that beat you over the head with sermonizing. There are two kinds of religious films. Ones that get close to the source(before Christianity became a sure thing) and ruminate on the sheer difficulty of bringing forth a new faith. And ones that take for granted that Christ and Apostles were so holy and correct. Even though the latter may show lots of pain and suffering, there's a smug and lazy sense of righteousness and whose side God is on. It may work as theology but not as drama. THE LAST TEMPTATION OF CHRIST, for all its faults, presents a Jesus who is troubled and uncertain as to his mission, purpose, and strength. From that arises a real sense of struggle that must be overcome dramatically. We are with a man in a world before he was canonized by officialdom. NOAH by Aronofsky is similarly provocative. In contrast, most religious films are merely self-satisfied in their retroactive renditions of a time when everything supposedly happened as it was deigned by God. There was no struggle toward holiness. Jesus and the Apostles were all holy and only needed to wait it out(and suffer a bit) before humanity came around to seeing their holiness. Rating: C-
GHOST WORLD. I never get tired of this film. An instant classic. Enid is one of my favorite characters. It tell us there's a lot of caricatures in humanity and a lot of humanity in caricatures. Rating: A+
RED SPARROW. Watched about 15 min of this and fast-forwarded the rest. Worse than honest trash. It's pompous trash. Rating: D
THE RIGHT STUFF. Based on the book by the late Tom Wolfe and directed by Philip Kaufman who, until then, was perhaps most famous for his version of INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS, a movie that also informed parts of THE WANDERERS, his best work. There is something Body-Snatcherish about THE RIGHT STUFF as well. America(and the world) is turning into the World of Organization Man. Soviets shoot rockets into space to hail the triumph of socialism and statism. US ramps up the space race, and the days of the cowboy test-pilots and individualists are over. It's the world of engineers and professionals. Against this, the Magnificent Seven do their best to retain the spirit that is human, heroic, and American. They refuse to be test-monkeys in space. They insist on being pilots. Is it a delusion? Maybe it's a dream. Excellent movie. But like Sidney Lumet's PRINCE OF THE CITY, a failure at the box office. Both films would be the last great work by the two directors. Rating: A
THE BLACKCOAT'S DAUGHTER. Is his film evil? Yes or no, it is a hauntingly beautiful and terrifying story of how a soul can fall deeply in love with evil. A masterpiece directed by the son of Anthony Perkins. Rating: A
Dazed and Confused,
Ghost World,
Hidden Fortress,
Red Sparrow,
The Blackcoat's Daughter,
The Right Stuff,
Thunderbolt and Lightfoot
Saturday, June 30, 2018
10 Essential Films by Martin Scorsese
Mean Streets
Raging Bull
Taxi Driver
The Age of Innocence
King of Comedy
The Wolf of Wall Street
Martin Scorsese,
Mean Streets,
Raging Bull,
Taxi Driver,
Wolf of Wall Street
Sunday, June 24, 2018
10 French Pop Songs
Chantal Goya-Si tu Gagnes au Flipper
Je t'aime... moi non plus - Serge Gainsbourg et Jane Birkin
Dalida & Alain Delon - Paroles, paroles
Francoise Hardy - Comment te dire adieu
Marie Laforet - Ivan, Boris et moi 1967
1970) Mireille Mathieu Pardonne moi ce caprice d'enfant
France Gall - Laisse tomber les filles 1964 HD (Tele Melody)
La Plus Belle Pour Aller Danser - Sylvie Vartan
Christophe - Aline
Elle est d'ailleurs - Pierre Bachelet
French pop,
French songs
Tuesday, June 19, 2018
12 Novels
The Castle - Franz Kafka
Demian - Hermann Hesse
Narcissus and Goldmund - Hermann Hesse
The Call - John Hersey
Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoevsky
With Fire and Sword - Henryk Sienkiewicz
Before the Storm - Theodor Fontane
Little Big Man - Thomas Berger
The Marriage Plot - Jeffrey Eugenides
The Tunnel - Ernesto Sabato
Young Phillip Maddison - Henry Williamson
Ernesto Sabato,
Franz Kafka,
Fyodor Dostoevsky,
Henryk Sienkiewicz,
Hermann Hesse,
Jeffrey Eugenides,
John Hersey,
Theodor Fontane,
Thomas Berger
Wednesday, May 9, 2018
11 Great Symphonies
Jean Sibelius: Symphony No. 5
Jean Sibelius: Symphony No. 7
Johannes Brahms: Symphony No. 4
Vasily Kalinnikov - Symphony No. 1
Dmitri Shostakovich: Symphony No. 8
Gustav Mahler: Symphony No. 5
Hector Berlioz: Harold in Italy
Antonin Dvorak: New World Symphony
Sergei Rachmaninoff: Symphony No. 2
Camille Saint-Saëns: Symphony No. 3
Richard Strauss - An Alpine Symphony
Jean Sibelius: Symphony No. 7
Johannes Brahms: Symphony No. 4
Vasily Kalinnikov - Symphony No. 1
Dmitri Shostakovich: Symphony No. 8
Gustav Mahler: Symphony No. 5
Hector Berlioz: Harold in Italy
Antonin Dvorak: New World Symphony
Sergei Rachmaninoff: Symphony No. 2
Camille Saint-Saëns: Symphony No. 3
Richard Strauss - An Alpine Symphony
Classical music,
Gustav Mahler,
Jean Sibelius,
Tuesday, May 1, 2018
50 Fave Songs Right Off the Top of Me Head
1. Year of the Cat - Al Stewart
2. I'll Never Find Another You - Seekers
3. Help Me - Joni Mitchell
4. Here and Now - Swing Out Sister
5. Ruby Tuesday - Rolling Stones
6. More than a Feeling - Boston
7. See Me Feel Me / Listening to You - The Who
8. Beyond the Sea - Bobby Darin
9. Proud Mary - CCR
10. Drive - Cars
11. And We Danced - Hooters
12. Tall Ships Go - Big Country
13. Box of Rain - Grateful Dead
14. Light My Fire - Doors
15. Don't Fear the Reaper - Blue Oyster Cult
16. Parole Parole - Dalida & Alain Delon
17. You'll Never Find - Lou Rawls
18. Thunder Road - Bruce Springsteen
19. The River - Bruce Springsteen
20. Boys Don't Cry - Cure
21. All the Love in the World - Outfield
22. Your Wildest Dreams - Moody Blues
23. Heat of the Moment - Asia
24. Welcome to the Boomtown - David & David
25. Look of Love - Dusty Springfield
26. Don't Worry Baby - Beach Boys
27. Linger - Cranberries
28. First of the Gang to Die - Morrissey
29. Do You Realize - Flaming Lips
30. Or Else - Cady Groves
31. I Shall Be Released - The Band
32. Insel meiner Angst - Hildegard Knef
33. Go West - Pet Shop Boys
34. Ai San San - Misora Hibari
35. Fotheringay - Fairport Convention
36. If You Want to Sing Out - Cat Stevens
37. Come on Eileen - Dexy's Midnight Runners
38. The Voice - Moody Blues
39. I Want You - Cheap Trick
40. I'm Not the One - Cars
41. Johnny Angel - Shelley Fabares
42. Superstar - Carpenters
43. How Can I be Sure? - Rascals
44. Teenage Idol - Ricky Nelson
45. Walk on By - Dionne Warwick
46. Rainy Night in Georgia - Brook Benton
47. Love Is All Around - Sonny Curtis
48. Our House - Madness
49. Stayin' Alive - Bee Gees
50. Car Wash - Rose Royce
50 favorite songs,
favorite songs,
year of the cat
Saturday, April 21, 2018
Notable Films List: 1990s
Platinum List:
Eyes Wide Shut
Time Regained
Dazed and Confused
Carlito's Way
Jurassic Park
Reservoir Dogs
Secret Defense
Blue Kite
A Brighter Summer Day
Big Lebowski
13th Warrior
The Best Intentions
Glengarry Glen Ross
Gibel Otrara
Manhattan Murder Mystery
Gold List:
Sunshine (Szabo)
Saving Private Ryan
Wild Bill
Twin Peaks
Heaven and Earth
Schindler's List
Body Snatchers
Age of Innocence
The Talented Mr. Ripley
Felicia's Journey
Remains of the Day
Dr. Akagi
The Spanish Prisoner
The Last Days of Disco
Boiling Point (Kitano)
Kids Return
The Eel
Three Colors: Red
Running Out of Time
Fast, Cheap, and Out-of-Control
The Winslow Boy
Burnt by the Sun
Clean, Shaven
Colonel Chabert
La Ceremonie
Fisher King
To Live
An Unforgettable Summer
Black Cat White Cat
Dick Tracy
Jacob's Ladder
Shall We Dance?
Barton Fink
Mountains of the Moon
My Mother's Castle
Beau Travail
Being John Malkovich
Farewell My Concubine
The Sixth Sense
The Straight Story
The Thomas Crown Affair
The General
Donnie Brasco
Ride with the Devil
Mars Attacks!
Shanghai Triad
The Long Day Closes
The Lovers on a Bridge
Highway Patrolman
Daddy Nostalgia
Sunday's Children
Virgin Suicides
Silver List:
Thin Red Line
Geronimo: An American Legend
The Fugitive
Terminator 2
Rhapsody in August
In the Line of Fire
Last Man Standing
Bronx Tale
The Secret Garden
A Perfect World
Caro Diario
Irma Vep
Groundhog Day
Story of Qui Ju
Raining Stones
Land and Freedom
The Scent of Green Papaya
Six Degrees of Separation
Thirty Two Short Films about Glenn Gould
Three Colors: White
The Women from the Lake of Scented Souls
Before the Rain
Bullets over Broadway
Michael Collins
Truman Show
Clear and Present Danger
Bitter Moon
Ed Wood
The Inkwell
Interview with the Vampire
The Postman
Miller's Crossing
Mother and Son
My Father's Glory
The Crush
The Color of Lies
Emperor and the Assassin
Fight Club
American History X
Alice and Martin
The Celebration
Dreamlife of Angels
Small Soldiers
Hoop Dreams
Fifth Element
The Last of the Mohicans
Taste of Cherry
The Crucible
People vs Larry Flynt
Living in Oblivion
Rob Roy
Enchanted April
The Oak
Black Robe
Double Life of Veronique
Life on a String
In the Company of Men
And Life Goes On
It's All True
Sling Blade
Freeze Die Come to Life
Sure Fire(Jost)
Bronze List:
Bringing Out the Dead
The Doors
True Romance
Ruby in Paradise
Flesh and Bone
The Unforgiven
In the Name of the Father
Red Rock West
Ladybird Ladybird
Ashes of Time
Bandit Queen
Short Cuts
The Getaway
Leon the Professional
Little Women
Madness of King George III
Nobody's Fool
Deconstructing Harry
Quiz Show
The Shawshank Redemption
Wyatt Earp
It All Starts Today
Europa Europa
The Exorcist III
Memphis Belle
Reversal of Fortune
After Life
All About My Mother
Any Given Sunday
Anywhere But Here
The Big Kahuna
Man on the Moon
The Wind Will Carry Us
Mr. Zhao
A Simple Plan
Xiu Xiu The Sent Down Girl
The Apostle
Brother (Russian)
The Butcher Boy
The Lost Highway
Princess Mononoke
Neil Young: Year of the Horse
Bottle Rocket
Primal Fear
Billy Madison
Fallen Angels
Kicking and Screaming
Quick and the Dead
The Usual Suspects
Village of the Damned
Bram Stoker's Dracula
Ciao, Professore!
El Mariachi
Luna Park
Romper Stomper
Billy Bathgate
La Vie de Boheme
Latcho Drom
The River(Tsai)
The Sweet Hereafter
Ice Storm
Fool's Gold List:
Natural Born Killers
Pulp Fiction
Jackie Brown
Faraway, So Close!
Joy Luck Club
Map of the Human Heart
The Last Seduction
Romeo Is Bleeding
Boys Don't Cry
Cider House Rules
Forrest Gump
Cradle Will Rock
La Haine
Dark City
Like Water for Chocolate
City of Hope
American Beauty
Heavenly Creatures
The Hudsucker Proxy
Immortal Beloved
The Matrix
Welcome to the Dollhouse
Starship Troopers
Man Bites Dog
Before Sunrise
Naked Lunch
Killing Zoe
Legends of the Fall
Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai
Dead Man
The Lion King
The Silence of the Lambs
Little Buddha
Breaking the Waves
Presumed Innocent
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
Reality Bites
Sugar Hill
When a Man Loves a Woman
Dances with Wolves
La Belle Noiseuse
La Femme Nikita
The Godfather Part III
Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer
The Hunt for Red October
The Lost World
Fried Green Tomatoes
Thelma and Louise
The Sheltering Sky
The Two Jakes
Boogie Nights
Bad Lieutenant
Basic Instinct
Three Kings
Portrait of a Lady
Shakespeare in Love
Flirting with Disaster
The Doom Generation
Strange Days
12 Monkeys
Ulysses' Gaze
The Crying Game
Hard Boiled
Husbands and Wives
Light Sleeper
My Own Private Idaho
Yet to See:
Household Saints
Bad Behavior
My Name Is Joe
Chungking Express
Death and the Maiden
Queen Margot
Gremlins 2
The Field
Ju Dou
I Stand Alone
Larks on a String
Postcards from the Edge
The Russia House
The Limey
White Hunter Black Heart
The Muse
Not One Less
Babe Pig in the City
Primary Colors
The Boxer
L.A. Confidential
Ulee's Gold
The English Patient
The Emperor's Shadow
Mother(Albert Brooks)
Angels and Insects
Apollo 13
Bridges of Madison County
Malcolm X
Raise the Red Lantern
Van Gogh
To Sleep with Anger
Where the Heart Is
Death Becomes Her
M. Butterfly
Nouvelle Vague
Through the Olive Trees
Stolen Children
Icicle Thief
Pump Up the Volume
A Tale of the Wind
Savage Nights
Neon Bible
The Lovers of the Arctic Circle
The Last Bolshevik
Wild Reeds
The Grifters
The Rainmaker
The Insider
Heaven and Earth
Schindler's List
Body Snatchers
Age of Innocence
The Talented Mr. Ripley
Felicia's Journey
Remains of the Day
Dr. Akagi
The Spanish Prisoner
The Last Days of Disco
Boiling Point (Kitano)
Kids Return
The Eel
Three Colors: Red
Running Out of Time
Fast, Cheap, and Out-of-Control
The Winslow Boy
Burnt by the Sun
Clean, Shaven
Colonel Chabert
La Ceremonie
Fisher King
To Live
An Unforgettable Summer
Black Cat White Cat
Dick Tracy
Jacob's Ladder
Shall We Dance?
Barton Fink
Mountains of the Moon
My Mother's Castle
Beau Travail
Being John Malkovich
Farewell My Concubine
The Sixth Sense
The Straight Story
The Thomas Crown Affair
The General
Donnie Brasco
Ride with the Devil
Mars Attacks!
Shanghai Triad
The Long Day Closes
The Lovers on a Bridge
Highway Patrolman
Daddy Nostalgia
Sunday's Children
Virgin Suicides
Silver List:
Thin Red Line
Geronimo: An American Legend
The Fugitive
Terminator 2
Rhapsody in August
In the Line of Fire
Last Man Standing
Bronx Tale
The Secret Garden
A Perfect World
Caro Diario
Irma Vep
Groundhog Day
Story of Qui Ju
Raining Stones
Land and Freedom
The Scent of Green Papaya
Six Degrees of Separation
Thirty Two Short Films about Glenn Gould
Three Colors: White
The Women from the Lake of Scented Souls
Before the Rain
Bullets over Broadway
Michael Collins
Truman Show
Clear and Present Danger
Bitter Moon
Ed Wood
The Inkwell
Interview with the Vampire
The Postman
Miller's Crossing
Mother and Son
My Father's Glory
The Crush
The Color of Lies
Emperor and the Assassin
Fight Club
American History X
Alice and Martin
The Celebration
Dreamlife of Angels
Small Soldiers
Hoop Dreams
Fifth Element
The Last of the Mohicans
Taste of Cherry
The Crucible
People vs Larry Flynt
Living in Oblivion
Rob Roy
Enchanted April
The Oak
Black Robe
Double Life of Veronique
Life on a String
In the Company of Men
And Life Goes On
It's All True
Sling Blade
Freeze Die Come to Life
Sure Fire(Jost)
Bronze List:
Bringing Out the Dead
The Doors
True Romance
Ruby in Paradise
Flesh and Bone
The Unforgiven
In the Name of the Father
Red Rock West
Ladybird Ladybird
Ashes of Time
Bandit Queen
Short Cuts
The Getaway
Leon the Professional
Little Women
Madness of King George III
Nobody's Fool
Deconstructing Harry
Quiz Show
The Shawshank Redemption
Wyatt Earp
It All Starts Today
Europa Europa
The Exorcist III
Memphis Belle
Reversal of Fortune
After Life
All About My Mother
Any Given Sunday
Anywhere But Here
The Big Kahuna
Man on the Moon
The Wind Will Carry Us
Mr. Zhao
A Simple Plan
Xiu Xiu The Sent Down Girl
The Apostle
Brother (Russian)
The Butcher Boy
The Lost Highway
Princess Mononoke
Neil Young: Year of the Horse
Bottle Rocket
Primal Fear
Billy Madison
Fallen Angels
Kicking and Screaming
Quick and the Dead
The Usual Suspects
Village of the Damned
Bram Stoker's Dracula
Ciao, Professore!
El Mariachi
Luna Park
Romper Stomper
Billy Bathgate
La Vie de Boheme
Latcho Drom
The River(Tsai)
The Sweet Hereafter
Ice Storm
Fool's Gold List:
Natural Born Killers
Pulp Fiction
Jackie Brown
Faraway, So Close!
Joy Luck Club
Map of the Human Heart
The Last Seduction
Romeo Is Bleeding
Boys Don't Cry
Cider House Rules
Forrest Gump
Cradle Will Rock
La Haine
Dark City
Like Water for Chocolate
City of Hope
American Beauty
Heavenly Creatures
The Hudsucker Proxy
Immortal Beloved
The Matrix
Welcome to the Dollhouse
Starship Troopers
Man Bites Dog
Before Sunrise
Naked Lunch
Killing Zoe
Legends of the Fall
Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai
Dead Man
The Lion King
The Silence of the Lambs
Little Buddha
Breaking the Waves
Presumed Innocent
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
Reality Bites
Sugar Hill
When a Man Loves a Woman
Dances with Wolves
La Belle Noiseuse
La Femme Nikita
The Godfather Part III
Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer
The Hunt for Red October
The Lost World
Fried Green Tomatoes
Thelma and Louise
The Sheltering Sky
The Two Jakes
Boogie Nights
Bad Lieutenant
Basic Instinct
Three Kings
Portrait of a Lady
Shakespeare in Love
Flirting with Disaster
The Doom Generation
Strange Days
12 Monkeys
Ulysses' Gaze
The Crying Game
Hard Boiled
Husbands and Wives
Light Sleeper
My Own Private Idaho
Yet to See:
Household Saints
Bad Behavior
My Name Is Joe
Chungking Express
Death and the Maiden
Queen Margot
Gremlins 2
The Field
Ju Dou
I Stand Alone
Larks on a String
Postcards from the Edge
The Russia House
The Limey
White Hunter Black Heart
The Muse
Not One Less
Babe Pig in the City
Primary Colors
The Boxer
L.A. Confidential
Ulee's Gold
The English Patient
The Emperor's Shadow
Mother(Albert Brooks)
Angels and Insects
Apollo 13
Bridges of Madison County
Malcolm X
Raise the Red Lantern
Van Gogh
To Sleep with Anger
Where the Heart Is
Death Becomes Her
M. Butterfly
Nouvelle Vague
Through the Olive Trees
Stolen Children
Icicle Thief
Pump Up the Volume
A Tale of the Wind
Savage Nights
Neon Bible
The Lovers of the Arctic Circle
The Last Bolshevik
Wild Reeds
The Grifters
The Rainmaker
The Insider
Eyes Wide Shut,
Monday, March 5, 2018
Notable Films List: 1980s
Platinum List:
Once Upon a Time in America
The Shining
Blade Runner
Full Metal Jacket
Time of the Gypsies
Makioka Sisters
Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence
To Live and Die in L.A.
Raging Bull
When Father Was Away on Business
House of Games
Midnight Run
Laputa: Castle in the Sky
Something Wild
The Flight of the Eagle
Das Boot
Sans Soleil
Prince of the City
The Draughtsman's Contract
Gold List:
My Beautiful Launderette
Year of Living Dangerously
Passage to India
King of Comedy
Long Riders
Atlantic City
The Last Emperor
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Ballad of Narayama
A Sunday in the Country
Family Game
The Thing
Life and Nothing But
Breaker Morant
Distant Voices, Still Lives
Mystic Pizza
Miracle Mile
Where is the Friend's Home?
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
Fanny and Alexander
Risky Business
Sherman's March
Pelle the Conqueror
Melvin and Howard
Local Hero
Empire of the Sun
Lost in America
Broadway Danny Rose
Crimes and Misdemeanors
Radio Days
Do You Remember Dolly Bell?
Death of a Salesman
The Terminator
Gonza the Spearman
MaCarthur's Children
The Killing Fields
The Mission
The Runaway Train
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
Hope and Glory
Yes Madam
Police Story
Baby It's You
Osterman Weekend
Blow Out
Au Revoir Les Enfants
Palombella Rossa
Cinema Paradiso
The Bounty
The Road Warrior
Chariots of Fire
Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan
A Christmas Story
Blue Velvet
The Right Stuff
Personal Best
Hey Babu Riba
Night of the Shooting Stars
The Vanishing
Jean de Florette
Born on the Fourth of July
Violent Cop
Coup de Torchon
Dead Ringers
The Verdict
Sid & Nancy
Babette's Feast
Silver List:
Empire Strikes Back
Pee Wee Herman's Big Adventure
Tucker: The Man and His Dreams
Peggy Sue Got Married
Southern Comfort
Tin Men
Dressed to Kill
Broadcast News
Come and See
Cutter's Way
The Sacrifice
The Sure Thing
Monsieur Hire
The Dead
Wings of Desire
Heaven's Gate
Kindergarten (USSR)
The Hit
The Natural
Wall Street
Romancing the Stone
Marianne and Juliane (aka German Sisters)
Casualties of War
Blood Simple
Stranger than Paradise
Down by Law
Urban Cowboy
Black Rain (Imamura)
Places in the Heart
Entre Nous
Home and the World
My Neighbor Totoro
And the Ship Sails On
Smash Palace
No Way Out
Ordinary People
Bull Durham
Superman II
Monty Python: The Meaning of Life
History of the World: Part I
Trip to Bountiful
Elephant Man
Stop Making Sense
The Seventh Continent
Tender Mercies
Biloxi Blues
Manon of the Spring
Urusei Yatsura: Only You
An Enemy of the People
Modern Romance
After Hours
Dead Zone
Shy People
The Horse Thief
Coal Miner's Daughter
The Woman Next Door
Gates of Heaven
Falcon and the Snowman
The Official Story
The Long Good Friday
Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down!
Fat Man and Little Boy
Never Cry Wolf
Light of Day
Identification of a Woman
Things Change
Desert Bloom
I am the Cheese
Bronze List:
Real Genius
The Last Temptation of Christ
Hannah and Her Sisters
Purple Rose of Cairo
Stardust Memories
Brighton Beach Memoirs
Red Dawn
48 Hrs
Extreme Prejudice
The Untouchables
All the Right Moves
Manon of the Spring
Urusei Yatsura: Only You
An Enemy of the People
Modern Romance
After Hours
Dead Zone
Shy People
The Horse Thief
Coal Miner's Daughter
The Woman Next Door
Gates of Heaven
Falcon and the Snowman
The Official Story
The Long Good Friday
Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down!
Fat Man and Little Boy
Never Cry Wolf
Light of Day
Identification of a Woman
Things Change
Desert Bloom
I am the Cheese
Bronze List:
Real Genius
The Last Temptation of Christ
Hannah and Her Sisters
Purple Rose of Cairo
Stardust Memories
Brighton Beach Memoirs
Red Dawn
48 Hrs
Extreme Prejudice
The Untouchables
All the Right Moves
Heaven Help Us
Emerald Forest
The Year of the Dragon
Muddy River
Better Tomorrow
Chinese Ghost Story
The 'Burbs
Wise Guys
The Story of Women
Trading Places
Ginger and Fred
Boyfriends and Girlfriends
First Name: Carmen
Hail Mary
The Postman Always Rings Twice
Bronco Billy
Honky Tonk Man
Pale Rider
Heartbreak Ridge
Conan the Barbarian
Conan the Destroyer
The Jigsaw Man
Cotton Club
The Princess Bride
The Ballad of Gregorio Cortez
Back to the Future
Farewell to the King
Karate Kid
Karate Kid II
Stand By Me
Fast Times at Ridgemont High (Only for Sean Penn)
Die Hard
Raising Arizona
This is Spinal Tap
A Soldier's Story
Prizzi's Honor
Big Red One
Black Rain(Scott)
Space Adventure Cobra
Used Cars
Mosquito Coast
The Fly
Trouble in Mind
A World Apart
Drugstore Cowboy
Under Fire
Isle of Fantasy
Man of Iron
Angry Harvest
Hungarian Fairy Tale
Yellow Earth
Black Widow
My Left Foot
My Dinner with Andre
Burden of Dreams
The Big Easy
Prick Up Your Ears
Driving Miss Daisy
Micki and Maude
Working Girl
Enemies: A Love Story
Legend of Suram Fortress
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
Time Bandits
Dead Calm
Stand and Deliver
Vision Quest
Repo Man
Against All Odds
Hamburger Hill
Tuff Turf
Gorky Park
Johnny Dangerously
Lion of the Desert
Bright Lights, Big City
Code of Silence
The Bear
The Sicilian
Under the Volcano
The Little Drummer Girl
Apartment Zero
Gardens of Stone
Mrs. Soffel
King David
City on Fire
Unfaithfully Yours
Big Trouble in Little China
Four Friends
This Is Elvis
The Winter War
Miss Firecracker
Fool's Gold List:
Sophie's Choice
Do the Right Thing
Sex, Lies, and Videotape
Streets of Fire
Angel Heart
Rain Man
The Wall
Out of Africa
Secret Honor
Breakfast Club
The French Lieutenant's Woman
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Altered State
The Big Chill
Room with a View
White Dog
Dead Poets Society
Agnes of God
Kiss of the Spider Woman
Women on the Verge of Nervous Breakdown
Tetsuo: Ironman
Love Streams
Sante Sangre
A Time to Live and a Time to Die
City of Sadness
Dust in the Wind
Out of the Blue
American Gigolo
Unbearable Lightness of Being
Say Anything
The Outsiders
The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover
Less Than Zero
Rumble Fish
One from the Heart
About Last Night
Last Exit to Brooklyn
Star 80
Wish You Were Here
The Belly of an Architect
I've the Mermaids Singing
Yet to See:
Red Heat
Johnny Handsome
Welcome to the Five and Dime, Jimmy Dean
A Cry in the Dark
Mona Lisa
Dangerous Liaisons
Paris, Texas
My American Uncle
A Taxing Woman
Aviator's Wife
Berlin Alexanderplatz
Street Smart
Monkey Shines
Doomed Love
My Brilliant Career
Pennies from Heaven
After the Rehearsal
A Nos Amours
The Horse of Pride
The Hour of the Star
Rosa Luxemburg
Talk Radio
Round Midnight
Mississippi Burning
Stunt Man
Little Dorritt
The Pope of Greenwich Village
Tequila Sunrise
Fabulous Bakers Boys
Patty Hearst
Absence of Malice
Gregory's Girl
Fourth Protocol
Tom Horn
Crimes of the Heart
Tough Guys Don't Dance
Shoot the Moon
Camille Claudelle
The Big Town
My Twentieth Century
Cutter's Way
The Dresser
Return of Martin Guerre
Defense of the Realm
Reuben, Reuben
Running on Empty
Colonel Redl
Taipei Story
Alamo Bay
Tragedy of a Ridiculous Man
The Grey Fox
Under the Sun of Satan
Little Vera
Emerald Forest
The Year of the Dragon
Muddy River
Better Tomorrow
Chinese Ghost Story
The 'Burbs
Wise Guys
The Story of Women
Trading Places
Ginger and Fred
Boyfriends and Girlfriends
First Name: Carmen
Hail Mary
The Postman Always Rings Twice
Bronco Billy
Honky Tonk Man
Pale Rider
Heartbreak Ridge
Conan the Barbarian
Conan the Destroyer
The Jigsaw Man
Cotton Club
The Princess Bride
The Ballad of Gregorio Cortez
Back to the Future
Farewell to the King
Karate Kid
Karate Kid II
Stand By Me
Fast Times at Ridgemont High (Only for Sean Penn)
Die Hard
Raising Arizona
This is Spinal Tap
A Soldier's Story
Prizzi's Honor
Big Red One
Black Rain(Scott)
Space Adventure Cobra
Used Cars
Mosquito Coast
The Fly
Trouble in Mind
A World Apart
Drugstore Cowboy
Under Fire
Isle of Fantasy
Man of Iron
Angry Harvest
Hungarian Fairy Tale
Yellow Earth
Black Widow
My Left Foot
My Dinner with Andre
Burden of Dreams
The Big Easy
Prick Up Your Ears
Driving Miss Daisy
Micki and Maude
Working Girl
Enemies: A Love Story
Legend of Suram Fortress
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
Time Bandits
Dead Calm
Stand and Deliver
Vision Quest
Repo Man
Against All Odds
Hamburger Hill
Tuff Turf
Gorky Park
Johnny Dangerously
Lion of the Desert
Bright Lights, Big City
Code of Silence
The Bear
The Sicilian
Under the Volcano
The Little Drummer Girl
Apartment Zero
Gardens of Stone
Mrs. Soffel
King David
City on Fire
Unfaithfully Yours
Big Trouble in Little China
Four Friends
This Is Elvis
The Winter War
Miss Firecracker
Fool's Gold List:
Sophie's Choice
Do the Right Thing
Sex, Lies, and Videotape
Streets of Fire
Angel Heart
Rain Man
The Wall
Out of Africa
Secret Honor
Breakfast Club
The French Lieutenant's Woman
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Altered State
The Big Chill
Room with a View
White Dog
Dead Poets Society
Agnes of God
Kiss of the Spider Woman
Women on the Verge of Nervous Breakdown
Tetsuo: Ironman
Love Streams
Sante Sangre
A Time to Live and a Time to Die
City of Sadness
Dust in the Wind
Out of the Blue
American Gigolo
Unbearable Lightness of Being
Say Anything
The Outsiders
The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover
Less Than Zero
Rumble Fish
One from the Heart
About Last Night
Last Exit to Brooklyn
Star 80
Wish You Were Here
The Belly of an Architect
I've the Mermaids Singing
Yet to See:
Red Heat
Johnny Handsome
Welcome to the Five and Dime, Jimmy Dean
A Cry in the Dark
Mona Lisa
Dangerous Liaisons
Paris, Texas
My American Uncle
A Taxing Woman
Aviator's Wife
Berlin Alexanderplatz
Street Smart
Monkey Shines
Doomed Love
My Brilliant Career
Pennies from Heaven
After the Rehearsal
A Nos Amours
The Horse of Pride
The Hour of the Star
Rosa Luxemburg
Talk Radio
Round Midnight
Mississippi Burning
Stunt Man
Little Dorritt
The Pope of Greenwich Village
Tequila Sunrise
Fabulous Bakers Boys
Patty Hearst
Absence of Malice
Gregory's Girl
Fourth Protocol
Tom Horn
Crimes of the Heart
Tough Guys Don't Dance
Shoot the Moon
Camille Claudelle
The Big Town
My Twentieth Century
Cutter's Way
The Dresser
Return of Martin Guerre
Defense of the Realm
Reuben, Reuben
Running on Empty
Colonel Redl
Taipei Story
Alamo Bay
Tragedy of a Ridiculous Man
The Grey Fox
Under the Sun of Satan
Little Vera
Once Upon a Time in America,
The Shining
Friday, March 2, 2018
Notable Films List: 1970s
Platinum List:
The Godfather
The Godfather Part 2
Barry Lyndon
The Emigrants
The New Land
Taxi Driver
The Wanderers
THX 1138
Harold and Maude
McCabe & Mrs. Miller
Vengeance Is Mine
Days of Heaven
Seven Beauties
Gold List:
Apocalyse Now
Aguirre: The Wrath of God
Dog Day Afternoon
Love and Death
Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion
The Last Detail
Last Tango in Paris
F for Fake
Duck You Sucker
A Clockwork Orange
Mean Streets
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
The Day of the Jackal
Dersu Uzala
Lullaby of the Earth
That Obscure Object of Desire
Lancelot du Lac
The Conformist
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
The Exorcist
Swept Away
The Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith
The French Connection
The Phoenix (Ichikawa)
The Ascent
Man of Marble
The Judge and the Assassin
Paper Chase
Pink Panther Strikes Again
Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid
Straw Dogs
Ballad of Cable Hogue
The Getaway
Little Big Man
The Hellstrom Chronicle
The Iceman Cometh
Murmur of the Heart
Lacombe, Lucien
The Heartbreak Kid
Love and Anarchy
Wicker Man
Get Carter
Parallax View
All the President's Men
Dirty Harry
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Tree of the Wooden Clogs
The Last Picture Show
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
The Tenant
Castle of Sand
The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie
Zabriskie Point
Zatoichi Meets Yojimbo
Ali: Fears Eat the Soul
The Soldier of Orange
Padre Padrone
Silver List:
Two English Girls
Story of Adele H.
Wild Child
The Beguiled
Star Wars
Hard Times
The Passenger
The Killer Elite
Kramer vs Kramer
American Graffiti
Junior Bonner
Wise Blood
The Middleman (Satyajit Ray)
Saturday Night Fever
Coming Home
Harlan County USA
The Deer Hunter
The Mirror
Distant Thunder
Being There
An Unmarried Woman
Carnal Knowledge
Cooley High
The Serpent's Egg
Kings of the Road
Sometimes a Great Notion
Night Moves
King Lear (Kozintsev)
The Clockmaker of St. Paul
All That Jazz
The Hired Hand
Sleeping Dogs
Thunderbolt and Lightfoot
Crime and Punishment (USSR)
Ryan's Daughter
Love Story
French Connection II
The Man Who Would be King
The Last Valley
Breaking Away
The Outlaw Josey Wales
Conquest of the Planet of the Apes
Escape from the Planet of the Apes
Straight Time
Le Cercle Rouge
Cries and Whispers
The Magic Flute
Autumn Sonata
Jeremiah Johnson
Picnic at Hanging Rock
Fiddler on the Roof
Nicholas and Alexandra
Five Easy Pieces
Black Stallion
They Call Me Trinity
The Taking of the Pelham One Two Three
Two-Lane Blacktop
Castle of Cagliostro
Who'll Stop the Rain
Emperor of the North
The Twelve Chairs
The Great Santini
The Go-Between
Ulzana's Raid
State of Siege
The Confession
The Innocent
The Assassination of Trotsky
Bread and Chocolate
Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears
Special Day (Scola)
Bronze List:
The Warriors
The Driver
Day of the Dolphin
Car Wash
Enter the Dragon
Kentucky Fried Movie
Blazing Saddles
Oliver's Story
Dawn of the Dead
Bound for Glory
Cross of Iron
The Long Goodbye
The Missouri Breaks
The Exorcist II: The Heretic
Black Sunday
Pretty Baby
The Conversation
Escape from Alcatraz
The Longest Yard
The Yakuza
Scenes from a Marriage
Face to Face
Why Shoot the Teacher
Stepford Wives
The Last Wave
Heaven Can Wait
Towering Inferno
Sunday Bloody Sunday
Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore
Three Days of the Condor
Assault on Precinct 13
The Panic in Needle Park
The Mechanic
The Omega Man
Beneath the Planet of the Apes
The Chinese Connection
Dark Star
The Sugarland Express
The Brood
The Tin Drum
Big Wednesday
China Syndrome
Love on the Run
The Lord of Flatbush
Demon Seed
Robin and Marion
Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean
The In-Laws
Farewell My Lovely
Play It Again Sam
The Seven-Ups
Fellini Roma
The Big Bus
Save the Tiger
Arabian Nights
The Drowning Pool
Chloe in the Afternoon
The Onion Field
Bed and Board
The Landlord
Go Tell the Spartans
Trojan Women
Chilly Scenes of Winter
I Never Promised You a Rose Garden
Citizen's Band
American Hot Wax
Sunflower (De Sica)
White Sun of the Desert
An Unfinished Piece for Mechanical Piano
Peppermint Soda
Jonah Who Will be 25 in the Year 2000
The Shootist
The Rescuers
My Name is Nobody
Fool's Gold:
Annie Hall
In the Realm of the Senses
Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia
The Last Movie
King Kong
Phantom of the Paradise
The Fury
Celine and Julie Go Boating
Summer of 42
Don't Look Now
El Topo
Jesus Christ Superstar
Play Misty for Me
Bugsy Malone
Marathon Man
The Man Who Fell to Earth
Mikey and Nicky
Nosferatu the Vampyr
Slaughterhouse Five
The King of Marvin Gardens
Going Places
Eyes of Laura Mars
Black Moon
Killing of a Chinese Bookie
The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser
Jeanne Dielmann
The Marriage of Maria Braun
Mother and the Whore
Punishment Park
Tout va Bien
Get Out Your Hankerchiefs
The Traveling Players
Brewster McCloud
Yet to See:
The Holy Mountain
The Devils
A Woman under the Influence
Sweet Movie
Electra Glide in Blue
Killer of Sheep
The Ruling Class
The Molly Maguires
Taking Off
The Harder They Fall
The Devil, Probably
The Illumination
Out 1
Wedding in Blood
The Ceremony
Days and Nights in the Forest
Christ Stopped at Eboli
The Seduction of Mimi
Blood Feud
The Goalie's Anxiety at the Penalty Kick
The Marquis of O
A New Leaf
Deep End
Sandakan 8
Bronze List:
The Warriors
The Driver
Day of the Dolphin
Car Wash
Enter the Dragon
Kentucky Fried Movie
Blazing Saddles
Oliver's Story
Dawn of the Dead
Bound for Glory
Cross of Iron
The Long Goodbye
The Missouri Breaks
The Exorcist II: The Heretic
Black Sunday
Pretty Baby
The Conversation
Escape from Alcatraz
The Longest Yard
The Yakuza
Scenes from a Marriage
Face to Face
Why Shoot the Teacher
Stepford Wives
The Last Wave
Heaven Can Wait
Towering Inferno
Sunday Bloody Sunday
Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore
Three Days of the Condor
Assault on Precinct 13
The Panic in Needle Park
The Mechanic
The Omega Man
Beneath the Planet of the Apes
The Chinese Connection
Dark Star
The Sugarland Express
The Brood
The Tin Drum
Big Wednesday
China Syndrome
Love on the Run
The Lord of Flatbush
Demon Seed
Robin and Marion
Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean
The In-Laws
Farewell My Lovely
Play It Again Sam
The Seven-Ups
Fellini Roma
The Big Bus
Save the Tiger
Arabian Nights
The Drowning Pool
Chloe in the Afternoon
The Onion Field
Bed and Board
The Landlord
Go Tell the Spartans
Trojan Women
Chilly Scenes of Winter
I Never Promised You a Rose Garden
Citizen's Band
American Hot Wax
Sunflower (De Sica)
White Sun of the Desert
An Unfinished Piece for Mechanical Piano
Peppermint Soda
Jonah Who Will be 25 in the Year 2000
The Shootist
The Rescuers
My Name is Nobody
Fool's Gold:
Annie Hall
In the Realm of the Senses
Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia
The Last Movie
King Kong
Phantom of the Paradise
The Fury
Celine and Julie Go Boating
Summer of 42
Don't Look Now
El Topo
Jesus Christ Superstar
Play Misty for Me
Bugsy Malone
Marathon Man
The Man Who Fell to Earth
Mikey and Nicky
Nosferatu the Vampyr
Slaughterhouse Five
The King of Marvin Gardens
Going Places
Eyes of Laura Mars
Black Moon
Killing of a Chinese Bookie
The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser
Jeanne Dielmann
The Marriage of Maria Braun
Mother and the Whore
Punishment Park
Tout va Bien
Get Out Your Hankerchiefs
The Traveling Players
Brewster McCloud
Yet to See:
The Holy Mountain
The Devils
A Woman under the Influence
Sweet Movie
Electra Glide in Blue
Killer of Sheep
The Ruling Class
The Molly Maguires
Taking Off
The Harder They Fall
The Devil, Probably
The Illumination
Out 1
Wedding in Blood
The Ceremony
Days and Nights in the Forest
Christ Stopped at Eboli
The Seduction of Mimi
Blood Feud
The Goalie's Anxiety at the Penalty Kick
The Marquis of O
A New Leaf
Deep End
Sandakan 8
Friday, February 23, 2018
Notable Films List: 1950s
Platinum List:
Seven Samurai
Touch of Evil
The Killing
Paths of Glory
Rear Window
The Searchers
Los Olivadados
Sansho the Bailiff
The Big Country
I Vitelloni
Diary of a Country Priest
Wages of Fear
Pather Panchali
Miracle in Milan
High Noon
Singin' in the Rain
Earrings of Madame De...
A Clown's Evening (Sawdust and Tinsel)
Gold List:
Throne of Blood
Bigger than Life
The Golden Coach
All About Eve
Tokyo Story
Quiet Flows the Don
Mr. Arkadin (Confidential Report)
Hiroshima Mon Amour
400 Blows
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Fires on the Plain
Viva Zapata
Sunset Blvd
Day of the Outlaw
Imitation of Life
Strangers on a Train
Human Condition Part I
Human Condition Part II
Vera Cruz
North By Northwest
Life of Oharu
The Night of the Hunter
Crucified Lovers
Taira Clan Saga
Outcast of the Islands
Les Cousins
Stalag 17
Umberto D.
Gate of Hell
Death in the Garden
White Sheik
La Strada
Summer with Monika
Smiles of a Summer Night
Seventh Seal
3:10 to Yuma
General Della Rovere
Twenty-Four Eyes
Our Man in Havana
Les Enfants Terribles
Journey to Italy (Voyage in Italy)
Man Escaped
World of Apu
African Queen
Moby Dick
Ride Lonesome
Bridge on the River Kwai
Johnny Guitar
Forbidden Games
Night and Fog
Early Summer
Early Spring
Equinox Flower
Floating Weeds (Ukigusa)
Tokyo Twilight
A Star is Born
Man from Laramie
The Naked Spur
Winchester 73
Bob le Flambeur
Burmese Harp
Bonjour Tristesse
French Cancan
Hidden Fortress
Silver List:
On the Waterfront
Streetcar Named Desire
I Live in Fear (Record of a Living Being)
A Geisha
Il Grido
7 Men from Now
The Tall T
Young Lions
Black River
Oedipus Rex
Thick-Walled Room
I Will Buy You
Big Deal on Madonna Street
From Here to Eternity
A Place in the Sun
Hobson's Choice
The Lovers
Ashes and Diamonds
Cranes are Flying
Elevator to the Gallows
Rebel without a Cause
The Woman of Rumor
Killer's Kiss
Street of Shame
Bend of the River
Men of Tohoku
Conflagration (Ichikawa)
Odd Obsession (Key)
Kiss Me Deadly
The Ten Commandments
I Confess
Father of the Bride
Red Badge of Courage
Mon Oncle
Rio Bravo
The Ladykillers
The Wrong Man
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
The Kentuckian
Music Room
The Quiet Man
Wild Strawberries
Rio Grande
Some Like It Hot
A Face in the Crowd
Il Bidone
Nights of Cabiria
Summer Interlude
A Lesson in Love
Casque D'Or
Riot in Cell Block 11
Anatomy of a Murder
Bronze List:
The Idiot
Lower Depths(Kurosawa)
Dial M for Murder
The Man Who Knew Too Much
Wings of Eagles
The Thing
Ballad of a Soldier
Brink of Life
Horse Soldiers
Left-Handed Gun
Sleeping Beauty
The Vikings
Lola Montez
Forty Guns
Blue Angel
Indiscretion of an American Wife
Le Amiche
Girl in Black
Bad Day at Black Rock
A Matter of Dignity
The Last Hurrah
Tiger Bay
A King in New York
Bad and the Beautiful
Ace in the Hole
Panic in the Streets
East of Eden
The Enemy Below
Sweet Smell of Success
Samurai Trilogy
The Sniper
Murder by Contract
Lucky Jim
Fool's Gold List:
Suddenly, Last Summer
Fear Strikes Out
Yet to See:
Beat the Devil
Moulin Rouge
Roman Holiday
Asphalt Jungle
In a Lonely Place
An Affair to Remember
Big Heat
The Furies
The River
Ballad of Narayama
I'm Alright Jack
Europa '51
Elena and Her Men
Floating Clouds
The Flowers of St. Francis
Bitter Victory
Bright Leaf
The Great War
Witness for the Prosecution
12 Angry Men
Ingmar Bergman,
Seven Samurai,
Monday, February 19, 2018
Notable Films List: 1960s
Platinum List:
2001: A Space Odyssey
Andrei Rublev
Face of Another
8 1/2
The Wild Bunch
Midnight Cowboy
Jules and Jim
La Jetee
Phantom India
Chimes at Midnight
Marketa Lazarova
The Leopard
Au Hasard Balthazar
Manchurian Candidate
Army of Shadows
Color of Pomegranates
Profound Desires of the Gods
Once Upon a Time in the West
Lawrence of Arabia
Dr. Strangelove
Battle of Algiers
Woman in the Dunes
Here's To Your Life
In Cold Blood
Pigs and Battleships
High and Low
Red and the White
An Actor's Revenge
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Gold List:
When a Woman Ascends the Stairs
An Autumn Afternoon
Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors
For a Few Dollars More
Doctor Zhivago
Le Combat dans L'ile
Bad Sleep Well
The Birds
Cool Hand Luke
El Cid
Breakfast at Tiffany's
Take the Money and Run
The Graduate
The Eclipse
Red Beard
The Servant
Exterminating Angel
Valley of the Bees
Ride the High Country
Masculin Feminin
Silver List:
Le Samourai
Human Condition Part III
Gospel According to St. Matthew
Une Femme Douce
Bonnie and Clyde
Major Dundee
The Fire Within
The Organizer
Hunger (Sult)
Eyes without a Face
Japan's Longest Day
Fugitive from the Past
Through a Glass Darkly
China is Near
Sound of Trumpets (Il Posto)
Father (Szabo)
The Easy Life (Il Sorpasso)
Closely Watched Trains
Diamonds in the Night
Life Upside Down
Round Up
(Samurai) Rebellion
Knife in the Water
Tokyo Olympiad
Umbrellas of Cherbeourg
Point Blank
The Trial
The Fireman's Ball
Last Year at Marienbad
Fighting Elegy
Insect Woman
Intentions of Murder
Night of the Living Dead
Man without a Map
The Miracle Worker
Dita Saxova
Lord Jim
Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
Long Day's Journey into Night
Rocco and His Brothers
The Shop on Main Street
(Samurai) Rebellion
Eros + Massacre
Planet of the Apes
La Dolce Vita
The Charge of the Light Brigade
America, America
Double Suicide
Zorba the Greek
One Eyed Jacks
The Silence
Virgin Spring
Shoot the Piano Player
End of Summer
The Unfaithful Wife
Fistful of Dollars
Loves of a Blonde
Bronze List:
The Birdman of Alcatraz
Ipcress File
Purple Noon
Diary of a Chambermaid
Simon of the Desert
The Train
I am Cuba
Ivan's Childhood
This Man Must Die
Band of Outsiders
Fahrenheit 451
Toby Dammit
7 Women
Wild River
Monterey Pop
The Fall of the Roman Empire
Sword of the Beast
Seven Days in May
Two for the Road
Lonely are the Brave
Yellow Submarine
Les Carabiniers
Sand Pebbles
La Notte
Gate of Flesh
Youth of the Beast
The Professionals
The Bible
Winter Light
Ugly American
Hawks and Sparrows
A Raisin in the Sun
Fists in the Pocket
Salvatore Giuliano
Hoodlum Soldier
Story of a Prostitute
Carmen from Kawachi
Tokyo Drifter
Branded to Kill
Colt is My Passport
Ten Dark Women
Being Two Isn't Easy
Von Ryan's Express
In the Heat of the Night
Kiss Me Stupid
The Cardinal
The Saragossa Manuscript
Peeping Tom
The Young Girls of Rochefort
Soft Skin
My Night at Maud's
Before the Revolution
Bunny Lake Is Missing
Kill! (Okamoto)
Easy Rider
The Innocents
A Hard Day's Night
They Shoot Horses, Don't They?
Georgy Girl
The Apartment
West Side Story
President's Analyst
The Commissar
Belle de Jour
A Bullet for the General
Downhill Racer
Loneliness of a Long Distance Runner
Mutiny on the Bounty
Sweet Bird of Youth
Elmer Gantry
Saturday Night and Sunday Morning
The Damned
Hell in the Pacific
Medium Cool
Advise and Consent
Le Doulos
Dillinger Is Dead
The Naked Island
Death by Hanging
Les Biches
The Young One
The Tale of Zatoichi
Violence at Noon
The Hunt (La Caza)
Nanami, Inferno of First Love
Fool's Gold List:
You Only Live Twice
Dr. No
Dirty Dozen
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Romeo and Juliet
True Grit
The Producers
Barefoot in the Park
The Italian Job
Funny Girl
Jason and the Argonauts
The Great Silence
The Swimmer
The Collector
The Group
The Odd Couple
Fellini Satyricon
Le Mepris
Women in Love
A Man and a Woman
Sundays and Cybele
Born Free
War and Peace
Hour of the Wolf
Shock Corridor
Reflections in a Golden Eye
The Arrangement
Agony and the Ecstasy
Stolen Kisses
300 Spartans
The Illustrated Man
Billion Dollar Brain
The Sword of Doom
Lady in a Cage
You're a Big Boy Now
Genghis Khan
Mickey One
King Rat
Yet to See:
Devil in the Flesh
The Stranger (Visconti)
All Fall Down
The Nun
Adalen 31
All My Compatriots
Les Abysses
Intentions of Murder
Night of the Living Dead
Man without a Map
The Miracle Worker
Dita Saxova
Lord Jim
Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
Long Day's Journey into Night
Rocco and His Brothers
The Shop on Main Street
(Samurai) Rebellion
Eros + Massacre
Planet of the Apes
La Dolce Vita
The Charge of the Light Brigade
America, America
Double Suicide
Zorba the Greek
One Eyed Jacks
The Silence
Virgin Spring
Shoot the Piano Player
End of Summer
The Unfaithful Wife
Fistful of Dollars
Loves of a Blonde
Bronze List:
The Birdman of Alcatraz
Ipcress File
Purple Noon
Diary of a Chambermaid
Simon of the Desert
The Train
I am Cuba
Ivan's Childhood
This Man Must Die
Band of Outsiders
Fahrenheit 451
Toby Dammit
7 Women
Wild River
Monterey Pop
The Fall of the Roman Empire
Sword of the Beast
Seven Days in May
Two for the Road
Lonely are the Brave
Yellow Submarine
Les Carabiniers
Sand Pebbles
La Notte
Gate of Flesh
Youth of the Beast
The Professionals
The Bible
Winter Light
Ugly American
Hawks and Sparrows
A Raisin in the Sun
Fists in the Pocket
Salvatore Giuliano
Hoodlum Soldier
Story of a Prostitute
Carmen from Kawachi
Tokyo Drifter
Branded to Kill
Colt is My Passport
Ten Dark Women
Being Two Isn't Easy
Von Ryan's Express
In the Heat of the Night
Kiss Me Stupid
The Cardinal
The Saragossa Manuscript
Peeping Tom
The Young Girls of Rochefort
Soft Skin
My Night at Maud's
Before the Revolution
Bunny Lake Is Missing
Kill! (Okamoto)
Easy Rider
The Innocents
A Hard Day's Night
They Shoot Horses, Don't They?
Georgy Girl
The Apartment
West Side Story
President's Analyst
The Commissar
Belle de Jour
A Bullet for the General
Downhill Racer
Loneliness of a Long Distance Runner
Mutiny on the Bounty
Sweet Bird of Youth
Elmer Gantry
Saturday Night and Sunday Morning
The Damned
Hell in the Pacific
Medium Cool
Advise and Consent
Le Doulos
Dillinger Is Dead
The Naked Island
Death by Hanging
Les Biches
The Young One
The Tale of Zatoichi
Violence at Noon
The Hunt (La Caza)
Nanami, Inferno of First Love
Fool's Gold List:
You Only Live Twice
Dr. No
Dirty Dozen
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Romeo and Juliet
True Grit
The Producers
Barefoot in the Park
The Italian Job
Funny Girl
Jason and the Argonauts
The Great Silence
The Swimmer
The Collector
The Group
The Odd Couple
Fellini Satyricon
Le Mepris
Women in Love
A Man and a Woman
Sundays and Cybele
Born Free
War and Peace
Hour of the Wolf
Shock Corridor
Reflections in a Golden Eye
The Arrangement
Agony and the Ecstasy
Stolen Kisses
300 Spartans
The Illustrated Man
Billion Dollar Brain
The Sword of Doom
Lady in a Cage
You're a Big Boy Now
Genghis Khan
Mickey One
King Rat
Yet to See:
Devil in the Flesh
The Stranger (Visconti)
All Fall Down
The Nun
Adalen 31
All My Compatriots
Les Abysses
Andrei Rublev,
High and Low,
Stanley Kubrick
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