Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Hara-Kiri(Remake By Takashi Miike) Is Just Okay Enough to Spare Miike from Committing Seppuku Himself

Unnecessary but creditable remake of Masaki Kobayashi's masterpiece. (To be sure, the similarities between the two films are so striking that it's more like new performance -- in the vein of theater or concert -- than a standard remake that takes liberties with the material.) Directed by Miike, most (in)famous for demented exercises in sleaze and sadism. The opening segment features an impressive balance of stylistics and somberness, the long middle section told in flashback is adequate but flat, and the finale is exaggerated to the point of ridiculousness. Though a transgression of sorts(a most unnecessary remake), it just passes the grade to spare Miike a face-saving act of self-disembowelment. But then, the freak just might enjoy it. The question is why such a vile & trashy director was summoned for such a prestige-conscious production.

Rating: 3/5

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