Here's some advice for Terrence Malick. Lose the actors(who stand around clueless), voice-over narration(that sounds constipated), and script(if that's what it is). Lose the classical music, which is overly solemn and formal for Malick's joyrides. Just do travelogue and show us pretty pictures. KNIGHT OF CUPS works on that level. The main characters, such as they exist, are little more than bored tour-guides for Malick's attention-deficit-disorder visual skate-boarding. Everyone else is either eye-candy, exotica, or distraction, though always posturing as if on the verge of epiphany.
Stylistically, this latest monstrosity is an improvement over horrors such as THE NEW WORLD and TREE OF LIFE. The camera-work is nimbler, finer-tuned to shifts of moods and action. TREE OF LIFE, the most expensive home movie(or youtube video)ever made, couldn't reconcile the monumental with the momentary, no more than Einstein could unify stars with sub-atoms.
Rating: 2/5
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